One of the best hidden treasures of German early 1970s psych Krautrock private pressings! The only LP from this young 6-piece group (3 brothers and friends) from Hof (Bavaria), 9 great songs full of haunting melodies, swirling, wailing Farfisa organ, guitars, sparkling piano, bass and drums, and - in opposite to most other private Krautrock LPs - superb vocals. The dark echo-ey / reverb-laden sound sometimes reminds me of Mary Butterworth and gives this LP this particular spine-chilling, goosepimples-producing feeling of those magnificent 1960s psych-garage ballads. By lyrkoss
Sounds more like a 1968 era American garage psych album, than anything typically coming from Germany circa 1972. Excepting the semi-narrated vocals in German of course. Somewhat like Ainigma's "Diluvium", but a better reference is some of the 45's coming from the German underground as featured on Garden of Delight's "Psychedelic Gems" series. Straightforward rock n roll songs, with Farfisa organ, slightly fuzzy guitars, echoed piano and a lot of vocals. A very unusual sound for Germany, so I can understand the collector appeal.

01. Ich bin nicht allein (I am no longer alone)
02. Du bist die antwort (You are the answer)
03. Du bist die stimme (you are the voice)
04. Wir feiern groBe festlichkeiten (we celebrate with great festivity)
05. Denk daran (to bear in mind)
06. Vater unser (Our Father)
07. Uberall in dieser welt (Overall in this world)
08. It's love
09. Seid ihm dankbar (Are you thankful)
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