Album : Your Got Yours: East Bay Garage 1965-67
Genre : Psych / Garage
Year : 2007
Tracks : 24
Playtime : 01:00:43
Size : 142,20 MB
Codec : MPEG 1 Layer III / Lame 3.98 / 320 kbps
1. Waiting for You - The Baytovens
2. Baby What's New - Peter Wheat
3. Tomorrow's Soul Sound - The Harbinger Complex
4. I'm Gonna Be Gone - The Just Six
5. It's Up to You - The Shillings
6. Her Heart Said No - The Blue Lite Conspiracy
7. My House - The Baytovens
8. You Got Yours - The US Male
9. Sometimes I Wonder - The Harbinger Complex
10. Bo Said - The Just Six
11. Humpty Dumpty - The Epics
12. You're Gonna Cry - The Donnybrookes
13. Who Stole The Batmobile - The Gotham City Crime Fighters
14. Not The Least Bit True - The Shillings
15. Get Out Of My Eye - The Soul Vendors
16. Luv Look Away - The Baytovens
17. Dynosaur - The Flintrocks
18. I'm Feeling Good - The Bristol Boxkite
19. You're Takin' Hold Of Me - Immediate Family
20. Away Girl - The Towaway Zone
21. Gotta Find A New Love - Spyders
22. Look at the Sun - Gants
23. Such a Fool - The Baytovens
24. Where I Belong - The Day Trippers
Genre : Psych / Garage
Year : 2007
Tracks : 24
Playtime : 01:00:43
Size : 142,20 MB
Codec : MPEG 1 Layer III / Lame 3.98 / 320 kbps
1. Waiting for You - The Baytovens
2. Baby What's New - Peter Wheat
3. Tomorrow's Soul Sound - The Harbinger Complex
4. I'm Gonna Be Gone - The Just Six
5. It's Up to You - The Shillings
6. Her Heart Said No - The Blue Lite Conspiracy
7. My House - The Baytovens
8. You Got Yours - The US Male
9. Sometimes I Wonder - The Harbinger Complex
10. Bo Said - The Just Six
11. Humpty Dumpty - The Epics
12. You're Gonna Cry - The Donnybrookes
13. Who Stole The Batmobile - The Gotham City Crime Fighters
14. Not The Least Bit True - The Shillings
15. Get Out Of My Eye - The Soul Vendors
16. Luv Look Away - The Baytovens
17. Dynosaur - The Flintrocks
18. I'm Feeling Good - The Bristol Boxkite
19. You're Takin' Hold Of Me - Immediate Family
20. Away Girl - The Towaway Zone
21. Gotta Find A New Love - Spyders
22. Look at the Sun - Gants
23. Such a Fool - The Baytovens
24. Where I Belong - The Day Trippers
Another in Big Beat's commendable exploration of all things garage You Got Yours is decidedly provincial and strangely removed from the prevailing scene centred just fifteen miles away across San Francisco Bay. The focus of the album is Alameda County, more specifically a club named Teens N' Twenties managed by local promoter Bill Quarry. The club was opened at the beginning of 1965 and the vast majority of the bands featured played the place at some time or other without ever making much of an impact outside the immediate area. Indeed only Bobby Winkelman – heard here fronting The Epics' "Humpty Dumpty" – went onto to bigger things as part of the Steve Miller Band.
The period covered by the album (1965-1967) is relatively short and understandably so. At the time, the eyes of the world were absorbed by the hippie revolution and psychedelic summer of love happening just across the water and the chances of an alternative movement making any impact were extremely slight. And while there's no denying You Got Yours is an enjoyable collection, nothing on the album is memorable enough to have created a widespread stir.
There are a number of musical influences on show which sometimes sit uncomfortably together but mostly make for an enthralling listen. Unsurprisingly, a number of the bands carry traces of one of the leading lights in the genre (at least in terms of success), Idaho's Paul Revere And The Raiders. Almost impossible to comprehend this band were selling units comparable to The Beatles and The Stones for a couple of years or that their brand of basic rock 'n' roll was considered punk, but there's no doubting bands like The Just VI, The U.S. Male and The Spyders were hoping some of the stardust would rub off.
More apparent is the effect of the British Invasion. The Day Trippers (obviously) and The Baytovens bear the hallmarks of The Beatles and I imagine even at the time were beginning to sound old hat. Better is The Shillings' "It's Up To You" – even though the riff is a direct steal from The Who's "I Can't Explain". The Donnybrookes' "You're Gonna Cry" has The Animals written all over it, while The Soul Vendors and The Gants have modelled the basis of their sound around The Yardbirds.
Finally, it's almost an unwritten law for any musical genre to throw up its share of novelty records and this is no exception. The Flintrocks were a local club act rather than garage rock band but, for all its silliness, "Dynosaur" is not out of place. Even wackier is "We Stole The Batmobile" by the Gotham City Crime Fighters whose members performed in capes, boots and tights. Not a bad song but obviously not an image with any staying power.
This East Bay garage collection is one of Big Beat's least significant in terms of the garage rock genre; there are no big players and no hit records. But, no matter how minor a piece in the overall jigsaw, there are enough highlights to both justify its existence and validate Big Beat's pursuit of all things garage.
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