Phluph- Phluph -1968 US

They only made one album; Lester Bangs once described it as a bargain-bin classic. Hailing from Boston they were on the Verve label. Their self titled album is a rare psychedelic gem. The instrumentation was one guitar, one keyboard (notably organ, a standout aspect of the album), bass guitar, and drums.
If the band's name leads you to think this is more worthless psych fluff, of which there's a lot around, then you'll be pleased to know you're mistaken. This is great psych that should be better known, another greatly underrated Boston band. With well-constructed songs and very able instrumentalists one wonders why they weren't more successful. This is an album definitely worth getting if you're into the genre, and like bands like the Freeborne, Listening or Beacon Street Union.

 1 Doctor Mind       
2 It Takes A Lot To Laugh   
3 In Her Way
4 Another Day
5 Girl In Tears
6 Ellyptical Machine
7 Lovely Lady
8 Death Of A Nation
9 Love Eyes
10 Patterns


1 comment:

  1. Thank you in the face of trials and tribulations, Angi! Hypertron
