The Carnabeats - The Jaguars (LP 1968)


There was a `60s beat era even in Japan. Japanese `60s beat was called Group Sounds (or G.S. for short).The enthusiastic GS era began in `66 after The Beatles came to Tokyo.
It was influenced by British invasion and American hit music,but GS was different from western pop because the Japanese culture and music are different from that of the west.Over one hundred bands released vinyl,most of which were moody ballads or syrupypop songs.Most GS records were released on major labels. Sometimes their sound was too commercial. But there are some really cool GS records!

The Carnabeats
The band was formed in early 1967 in Tokyo. Firstly band called "Robin Hood" and released even one single with this name. But then band took "The Carnabeats" name.
All works of "The Carnabeats" consist of 2 albums (the second - one-sided with "The Jaguars") and 10 singles.
Also I have to say that "The Carnabeats" were fans of british "The Zombies" works. So it's no surpise to find similar things and even songs covers on this british band by listening this album.
The band disbanded in fall 1969.

The Jaguars (1968)
60's japan group. Very good music and sounds like Beatles vocal harmonies mixed with "Psychotic Reaction" type fuzz guitar!

Hanky Panky - The Jaguars
My Dawn - The Jaguars
See See Rider - The Jaguars
Mustang Sally - The Jaguars
 Beat Train - The Jaguars
 I Love You - The Carnabeats
She's Not There - The Carnabeats
 The Sunset Town - The Carnabeats
 Sunny - The Carnabeats
 I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman - The Carnabeats
 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Carnabeats

~Enjoy ~

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