Nirvana (UK) - Song Of Love (1972)

Artist       : Nirvana (UK)
Album        : Song Of Love
Genre        : Psychedelic pop
Year         : 1972
Songs       : 9
Playtime     : 00:33:08
Size         : 76,15 MB
Codec        : MPEG 1 Layer III / Lame 3.99 / 320 kbps
001. Rainbow Chaser (02:52)
002. Please Believe Me (02:59)
003. Lord Up Above (04:11)
004. She's Lost It (05:01)
005. Nova Sketch (01:50)
006. Pentecost Hotel (03:10)
007. I Need Your Love Tonight (03:36)
008. Will There Be Me (02:15)
009. Stadium (07:09)
Quote :
"Songs of love and praise" sees Patrick Campbell-Lyons continuing to trade under the Nirvana name as a solo performer, bringing in session musicians as required. After the radical new direction of "Local Anaesthetic", he decided to revisit a couple of the band's early songs, while reverting to a generally simpler musical style.
The classic "Rainbow chaser" opens the album, but be warned, this is not the definitive recording of that song. This version is a much more prosaic and vastly inferior recording, devoid of the pioneering production which graced the original. The version of "Pentecost hotel" is similar to that on Nirvana's first album. The impression is that these two tracks have been included to give the album a more familiar feel for those who know the band. This may in part be due to another change of label, this time to Philips, and the consequent desire for the album to perform.
The rest of the songs are also short, with pleasant soft, pop based melodies. They are largely undistinguished, and understated. There is sometimes a slight folk feel, but always an overriding singer-songwriter type atmosphere, with sparse instrumentation.
The final track "Stadium" breaks the mould to some extent. It runs to over 7 minutes, and includes more upfront orchestration. After a regal introduction, Jade Warrior's percussion leads a looser jazz tinged piano recital. The track's finale is also the high point of the album.

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